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Trula Counseling

  • Reduce Stress
  • Gain Confidence
  • Manage Time Better
  • Receive Guidance
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trulaccounseling™为学生提供即时和/或持续的24小时保密服务 治疗,全年为任何学校,健康,或一般生活关注免费 the student. 学生可以随时用手机打电话给有执照的治疗师, regardless of location.

如果你,或者你认识的任何网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生,可能需要同情和 confidential therapy, reach out anytime.

How to Access

Call 1-800-573-5960 to speak to a therapist now or click here to find a counselor and schedule a FREE virtual appointment.

1-800-573-5960 - OR -

Levels of Support

Immediate, real-time crisis therapy support by phone

Call TrulaCounseling at 1-800-573-5960

Select Option ‘1’

当truacounting呼叫中心的咨询师接电话时,让他们知道你是 a Snow College student and are seeking immediate support.

truacounting呼叫中心的顾问将进行简短的筛选和连接 you with a licensed therapist for immediate support.

Available 24/7/365 in English, Spanish, and French


Call TrulaCounseling at 1-800-573-5960

Select Option ‘2’

当truacounting呼叫中心的咨询师接电话时,让他们知道你是 a Snow College student and are seeking ongoing supportive therapy.

truaccounseling呼叫中心的咨询师将进行初步评估并询问 告诉他们你要找的治疗师的类型,以及你所关心的具体问题 wish to address.

在那之后,你会在2-5分钟内被truacounting授权的治疗师联系 days to begin ongoing therapy.

For faculty & staff only: immediate, real-time consultation by phone

Call TrulaCounseling at 1-800-573-5960

Select Option ‘3’

当truacounting呼叫中心的咨询师接电话时,让他们知道你是 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的教职员工,正在寻求咨询 to send a student for support.

truaccounseling呼叫中心的咨询师将进行简短的筛选并提供 你的指导,如果合适的话,在哪里送学生的支持.


Our goal is to get every student connected to the right support. Our staff first conduct 一个深思熟虑的需求评估,以了解每个学生提出的问题和他们的 preferred intervention of single session or scheduled support. Most students request 就像他们现在正在寻求的支持一样,他们需要一个约会 一周的时间不能帮助他们解决他们正在经历的焦虑或冲突 at that moment. Any student participating in a single session receives a clinical assessment. 寻求即时支持的学生将被转介到truacounting 预定的支持或更高水平的护理,而不是临床咨询 appropriate.


单期支持是由硕士水平的咨询师提供的一次性干预 in the Care Access Center. These sessions are available with the first available counselor at any time throughout the day by call or by chat. This service is most appropriate 当一个学生需要帮助来调节他们的情绪状态时,感觉好像 they are at a crisis point, or just aren’t sure what to do next. Our counselors are 接受培训,通过降低压力和与学生一起寻找解决方案来提供支持 for the moment and make recommendations for next steps. Given that this is with the 第一个可用的顾问,这是不适合的担忧不断出现 or are not able to be resolved in the moment.

一个学生最近和室友吵了一架,不知道怎么解决 talk to them about it. 他们觉得回到自己的公寓很尴尬,他们马上 go to their room and don’t use the communal spaces. They want support to figure out 如何与他们的室友交谈,让他们恢复正常. Student 是因为他们关心的范围太有限才提到支持 并且很容易在一个单独的会议中讨论如何处理 a difficult conversation.

Short-term, Scheduled Support

预约支持是由专门的咨询师提供的多时段支持. This support is based in Short Term Solutions Focused Counseling (“STSFC”). The goal of STSFC is 为了帮助个人识别他们正在努力解决的问题或情况, whether it be everyday stresses or significant life changes. From there the client 咨询师可以开始朝着一个可能的目标努力,以及如何实现这个目标 that goal. 因为这是一个专门的顾问,所以有机会练习 新技能和技巧,帮助客户达到他们的目标. 然后客户和咨询师会在随后的会议中重新审视这些事情 帮助建立起什么是有效的,评估什么是无效的,以及他们离实现目标还有多远 their goal.

trualaccount咨询服务对会话没有固定的限制,然而,我们在努力 a short-term solution focused (STSF) support model. Session frequency and total number of sessions is determined by clinical appropriateness.

STSF是咨询师用来帮助人们改善生活方式的一种治疗方法 客户处理从日常压力源到高影响生活事件的任何事情. With 咨询师支持人们关注当下来“解决”一个问题,或者 concern or circumstance. However, not all problems have a solution. Sometimes, the 解决问题的最好办法是找到一种健康的方式来处理它. Therefore, you may be setting a “goal” during counseling rather than a solution. STSF counseling 可以在一个会话或多个会话中提供.

特鲁拉教练是一个免费的同伴教练计划,连接大学生寻找 for support and guidance with trained and qualified peer coaches. Snow College offers 所有网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生都可以免费获得特鲁拉教练服务.

在一个值得信赖的教练的指导下,在你的生活中做出明显的改善. Whenever, wherever.

Complete the intake form at to get started!

If you want to meet the coaches, click here.

同伴指导是一种目标导向的方法,旨在为你提供一个伙伴(你的) 教练)和工具来帮助你克服挑战,最大限度地发挥你的潜力和/或提高 your well-being. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of motivation, productivity, and leadership.

我们都有想要达到的目标,都有努力克服的挑战,都有时代 when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to better wellness and greater personal fulfillment.

学生们通常会使用同伴教练作为声音板来讨论事情,或者 作为一个负责任的伙伴,帮助你设定和实现个人目标并克服 challenges. 我们的教练也可以帮助个人发展,目标设定,信心 建立,积极的自我形象,联系,压力管理,组织,沟通, self-care, and relationship skills.

从周一到周六,有超过25辆教练车有不同的可用时间 ranging from 8am to 8pm. This way, you can connect with a coach at a time that fits your schedule.

You will meet with your coach each week for 30min.

在你的第一次训练中,你和你的教练会了解彼此和你的 教练会告诉你什么是教练,以及它可能对你有用的方式. There are no expectations from you.

That’s actually normal. You don’t need to know. Part of coaching is figuring out what you want. These are often the most meaningful sessions. Your coach knows how to navigate this.

Coaching can occur through text, phone or video. You decide!